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Foster Falls

Foster Falls

Upson, Wisconsin

This is allegedly the 10th highest waterfall in Wisconsin. It is in a remote location off of a forest road but no hike is required, and it is relatively easy to find. Make sure you check out the far more impressive Potato Falls downstream or Superior Falls to the north before spending a lot of time looking for this one. It also makes sense to combine your visit to Foster Falls with a visit to the nearby Wren Falls.

Foster Falls is located in a fairly remote location 6 miles north of Upson Wisconsin. Apparently the Potato River splits with the eastern branch going over a steep drop and the western branch going down a more gentle cascade. This is a wild waterfall with no fences or barriers of any kind. You can clamber about on the rocks as much as you like. You can even pick up a rock or two and take it home with you.


To reach this waterfall head north on 122 from Upson, or south on 122 from Saxon. Head west on Sullivan Fire Lane. This is a dirt road, but it is well maintained. Sullivan Fire Lane is about 6 miles north of Upson and 5 miles south of Saxon. Go just about 3 miles on Sullivan. Just before the road starts to look like a two track, there is a short side road to the right which leads to a turnaround. Park here. You will be able to hear the falls, which are a short walk to the right.

You can also reach this falls from the west. The main reason to do this is to see Wren Falls on the way. From Highway 169 take Vogues Road east. The road curves around to the south and eventually back west. At about 3.6 miles take a left on the connector with Casey Sag Road. Continue west on Casey Sag, taking the left fork, until you reach the dead end at the river upstream of the falls.


Fall’s Info Source


Jerry Luterman – Photo Source


All content the property of the Photography the property of Jerry Luterman.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Great Lakes Drive, affiliates, and site resources are not responsible for any incidents attributed to the use of this information. All information provided on this site should be considered a simple bit of information that informs the average individual on activities or available lodging that others have participated in, and in many cases warns them of dangerous aspects of a location, and should not be considered a promotion for taking part in the activity or a recommendation to use, stay, or support. Some of these pages represent extremely dangerous activities and should not be considered by individuals and families as normal activities. Many of the links provide information contributed by professionals or adrenaline junkies and are meant only as interesting points. Other information would probably never be heard about and represents wonderful historic facts and fiction about places that have disappeared. All activities from driving a car to entering the water can be hazardous and should be taken on at your own risk. Take responsibility for your actions and be very careful when exploring this wonderful fast land that is available to us all. Ads on the site may be from awesome companies but for legal reasons they do not necessarily represent the beliefs or receive the support of By reading the information on a page, and/or clicking on any of the links, you agree to take full responsibility in the result. Drive Safely! Stay on the path if you are concerned about the results of stepping off the edge. Discover a wonderful place right in your own backyard! You will never forget it.