The Best Tent & What Makes It The Best!
Nomatter what anyone says, there is one element of a tent that should not be missed. “Nobody wants to get wet when camping!” For this reason, and after seeing multiple articles on the “best tents” that appear to be promoting tents that go against experience, The GLD Papers has outlined a part of the tent you must consider when purchasing your next shelter. Period!
Included on the right side (if on a desktop), or at the bottom (when viewing on a mobile device), is a list of GLD approved tents with un-paid links to the manufacturers or reputable sources.

What’s To Love About The North House Folk School.
If I was asked to pick one place that represents the beautiful heritage and adventurous spirit of the North Shore, it would have to be North House Folk School. Beautifully set on the shores of Lake Superior, North House offers a treasure of skills, learning, and experiences. GLD had a chance to speak with the Executive Director of North House and discovered a person with the heart and passion of one you would expect to pilot a resource so great.
Find all you need to know about North House classes, events, and the simple pleasures of working with your hands through the interview and links on this article’s page.

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You’ve been there! The experience has probably written itself. Now, if it took place somewhere around the Great Lakes and would capture our reader’s attention, click the link below. We would love to provide you with a link back to your site.