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Michigan House Cafe & Red Jacket Brewing

Michigan House Cafe & Red Jacket Brewing

300 6th Street, Calumet, MI 49913

The Michigan House Hotel and Buffet has occupied the corner of 6th and Oak Streets in Calumet, MI since at least 1895 according to newspaper records of the time. It was the Anglo-American Hotel in 1893; the Fox and Everts saloon on the ground floor of the building was known as “Michigan House”. Bosch Brewing razed that structure in 1905 and erected the present building during that year. Bosch built several fine establishments to market their brew to area patrons.

Michigan House Cafe & Brewpub handcrafts fine beer. Their Red Jacket Brewing Company offers a Coffee Oatmeal Stout. Dark, rich, smooth with a slight hops finish, this recipe is reminiscent of brewing from years past as it highlights whole grains and fresh roasted coffee beans readily available to the brewing community a century ago. They also have a British Brown Ale, an American Pale Ale and, most recently, an IPA and Root Beer on tap. Other hand crafted brews are available seasonally. Be sure to ask your server what’s on tap!


Phone Number (906) 337-1910

Red Jacket Brewing Company The Michigan House Hotel

All content the property of Michigan House Cafe & Red Jacket Brewing Co.

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