A Passionate Team of Adventurers Creating a Map-Based Resource To All-Things Great Lakes: Sites, Bloggers & Businesses.
The Premier Blogger’s Listing For The Great Lakes.
Whether you’re crossing the ocean or a few miles, Great Lakes Drive provides a list of links, locations, and historic treasures for your next trip to the Great Lakes. Compiled by people that know, Great Lakes Drive marks a path to free campsites, ghost towns, baristas brewing the perfect cup of coffee, big fish, and hidden gems that you may never have known existed… even so others do.
If you are an adventurer that has a great Great Lakes Story to tell, a shop keeper, guide, advocate for your town, or someone that just loves the Great Lakes and found a wonderful place to visit, consider placing your story or location in front of an audience that’s coming your way. It’s FREE to list, so click on the link below and let the world know your story!
A Plan That Covers All The Great Lakes! Join In.
We are a small team taking on a gigantic task, but we are ready to play! We’ve begun on the beautiful North Shore of Minnesota and are now making our way around. As we move East you’ll see the home page map expand and the locations under your favorite filters increase. And, if you want to do your part, send us your favorite places. Most people want to keep them secret, even so they only visit them from time to time. But remember, the more great places you tell us about the more likely your favorite businesses along the way will remain there for you to enjoy.
If you are a shop keeper, guide, advocate for your town, or someone that just loves the Great Lakes, consider placing your favorite location in front of an audience that’s coming your way. It’s FREE to list, so click on the link below!

So Many Great Locations! So Many Ways To Find Them!
So many great places to visit around the Great Lakes that we needed to come up with a way to get you what you want to see! Make sure to use the filters or the viewable area resizing tool that you can find directly on the map, or you may find that load wheel spinning an awfully long time. We want you to find what you are looking!
And Finally… “Highlighting what makes the Great Lakes… Great!” — Our Original Team

GLD Design Lead
Jakob is the recent designer of the U.S. Navy’s SSN 783 MINNESOTA Submarine logo and GLD’s lead designer.

Medical Supervisor
Working with our team, Emma insures that each person is healthy, happy, and kept abreast of the latest sauces at B-Dubs.

Fishing Guide
Always in need of a partner on my travels, Elena makes sure that this role is filled, rain or snow. Also loves to kayak.

Eyes to the ground and always ready to explore, our resident archeologist makes sure that a healthy quantity of rocks are collected.