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  • Casey Creek is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, streams in [...]

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  • Bell Creek is classified a possible Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, st [...]

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  • Whittlesey Creek is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, strea [...]

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  • Thompson Creek (Vandeventer) is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequ [...]

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  • The beginning of the Sioux River is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Con [...]

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  • Fourmile Creek is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, streams [...]

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  • Onion River is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, streams in [...]

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  • North Pikes Creek is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, stre [...]

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  • Pikes Creek is classified a Class 1 trout stream by WDNR. This means that it is considered a high quality trout waters that have sufficient natural reproduction to sustain populations of wild trout, at or near carry capacity. Consequently, streams in [...]

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