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North House Folk School

North House Folk School

500 Highway 61 West | Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604

If timbers could talk. No doubt, there would be stories. Two timbered buildings, built in the 1930’s by the Civilian Conservation Corp as warehouses for the Forest Service, stand on the edge of the Grand Marais harbor. Giant saw logs rolling into the harbor, ready to be rafted and pulled across the big lake to sawmills in Wisconsin. Work crews sharing tales as they bedded down for the night on the loft’s wooden floors. Tools–planting bars to sharpened two-man saws–stockpiled for the moment and waiting for the coming season. If timbers could talk.

Built as workspace on a working harbor, the buildings served an important purpose for decades. Built by the hands of experienced woodworkers, their elemental timbered trusses and rugged black iron tie bolts almost seem to speak–durability, beauty, purpose, simplicity.

One red, one blue–today the buildings still stand, solid and present on Grand Marais’ harbor. The core of North House, their timbered trusses now soar across woodworking, boat building and traditional craft classrooms, sunlight streaming in through the windows. Sawdust still waits on the floor to be swept. Sharp saws still slice. Tales are still told. Purpose is still strong and vibrant. Bowl carving, shoemaking, blacksmithing, woodcarving–durability, beauty, purpose, simplicity.

If timbers could talk. What stories would they tell of North House’s first sixteen years? And, just as importantly, what stories will they tell of North House’s next fifteen? Dedicated volunteers, generous supporters, inspired students–these are the builders of North House. There’s always work to be shared, special events to host, and crafts to discover. What part will you play?

Come up and visit the North House Folk School.

Phone Number  (218) 387-9762

Visit The North House Folk School


All content the property of North House Folk School. Photograph the property of

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