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Silver Islet General Store & Ghost Town

Silver Islet General Store & Ghost Town

Ontario 587 ON Canada

Silver Islet is another of Ontario’s best kept ghost towns. It is also one of the oldest. A one time silver mining town on the shores of Lake Superior, a huge deposit of silver was discovered around 1845. There was no easy access to the silver ore deposit for it was located on a small shoal under a limestone mesa called Thunder Cape. Initial efforts to mine the ore all proved futile. It was as though the volatile weather of Lake Superior was to deny entrance to the ore deposit for all time to come. Several decades later the battle was joined when a new owner acquired the property. Several breakwaters were built to contain the fury of the lake’s waters. They, too, were demolished by storms, ice surges, and even a freak tidal wave. Finally, a breakwater of rock and concrete was built that allowed miners to extract silver ore worth $3 million. In 1883, mining operations ceased for lack of fuel for the furnaces and water filled the shafts.
Above article written by: Henry Chenoweth

The magnificently restored Silver Islet General store serves visitors to the Sleeping Giant, as well as the summer residencies, and the locals who are mainly retired.
Courtesy Ryan Hill

Phone Number +1 (807) 683-8512

Silver Islet Ghost Town Info Silver Islet Store Proprietor Article Sail


All content the property of Ryan Hill and Photography the property of Sail

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