Talmadge River
Talmadge River
Duluth, MN
The Talmadge River is mostly in Lakewood Township in St. Louis County, in the more developed region between Duluth and Two Harbors. It has a small watershed (5.4 sq. mi.), forested, with rural residential development scattered throughout.
Fishing There is not much to be found about the river as to fishing, however the Talmadge is a MN designated trout stream with the MN DNR listing Brook and Brown trout in the river. To poke around the upper portion of the river take Lakewood Rd (692) north to Doe Rd or Mc Donnell Rd (283) north to Flynn Rd., and then a right and then a left, heading north on S Cant Rd (281) a short distance to the river to fish above Hwy 61.
Fish Monitoring Site The monitoring site is located at Cant Road, about 2 miles upstream from Lake Superior
Kamloops Stocking Kamloops are currently stocked only in Lower North Shore tributaries. Confining stocking to the lower North Shore mitigates straying with the purpose of limiting genetic introgression of Kamloops genes into wild steelhead stocks (cross-breeding). Kamloops-Steelhead crosses display a number of undesirable traits that limit their ability to survive starting right at the egg stage. Straying after stocking however was noted during the initial test period & is an area of concern. Tagged Kamloops were recovered near Madeline Island in Wisconsin in 1974 & in the Au Sable River in Michigan in 1976. Minnesota creel censuses have also documented Kamloops more recently from tributaries as far north as Hovland.
Kamloops are reared at the French River Hatchery & 92,500 yearlings are stocked annually. Adult Kamloops returning to the French River trap are used as the egg source for the hatchery-reared fish.
During the initial evaluation period, Kamloops were stocked in Trout Lake in Cook County & in the French River Estuary. Later stockings included Chester Creek, but since the adoption of the Lake Superior Management Plan, Kamloops stocking occurs in the following tributaries:
- French River- 35,000 yearlings annually (Summer)
- Lester River- 32,500 yearlings annually (Spring)
- Talmadge Creek- 25,000 yearlings annually (Summer)
Content the property of www.minnesotasteelheader.com, MN DNR, and www.lakesuperiorstreams.org.