Finally A Site That Gives You A Complete Perspective, With More Information & More Stories!
Whether the words come from our staff or an outside enthusiast, GLD will provide you tales, first hand experience, and ghost stories for your reading pleasure. Promoting our Great Lakes from the perspective of the adventurer and the perspective of legend only makes a trip that much more complete.
“Writing about what makes the Great Lakes… Great!”
Have A Great Story. Send It To Us.
Your experiences need to be told. Certainly not all of them, but there are some that should be listed through GLD. We’ll take care of formatting it for you so it looks great, plus we’ll give you a bio space as one of our writers, and a link to your site. If you are interested, click the link below and let us take a look to see if you are the newest addition to GLD.
Historic Story? There’s Nothing Better Then What Really Happened.
The forgotten history of our Great Lakes and the lands around them needs to be told. If you are with the Historical Society for your area, a local museum trying to preserve the heritage of your area, or simply have a story passed down to you from family members that may need to be looked into, let us know. One of GLD’s priorities is to present historic nuances to the public at the exact location where they took place, so while on vacation, these moments can be experienced.
Our writers can only cover so much territory. It’s the folks that hike the bluffs along the lakes, and paddle the clear waters, and pitch their tent on wind-swept rocks, and roll their tires along root-woven ground. It’s adventurous souls like you that make Great Lakes Drive Great. Become part of the trail. We are ready for you!
Place Your Story On The Shores of The Great Lakes. Submit Your Query Here!